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听力 常作为一种考试题型,目的在于考察应试者对 英语 语言的把握,考察考生对 英语 日常交流的理解能力,下面是小编 收集 推荐的英语四级 听力 真题,仅供参考,欢迎 阅读 。 l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

2020年6月英语四级听力真题及答案 l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Section A l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Directions: In this section, you will bear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each questions there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B),C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 1 with a single line through the center. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

1. A) The woman should go on playing chess. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) He is willing to play chess with the woman. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) The woman has good reason to quit the game. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) He will give the woman some tips on the game. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

2. A) She would like to resume contact with Sally. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) The man can forward the mail to Mary. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) She can call Mary to take care of the mail. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) Mary probably knows Sally's new address. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

3. A) He did not attend today’s class. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) His notes are not easy to read. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) His handwriting has a unique style. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) He is very pleased to be able to help. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

4. A) The new restaurant is a perfect place for dating. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) The new restaurant caught her fancy immediately. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) The man has good taste in choosing the restaurant. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) The man had better choose another restaurant. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

5. A) He will help the woman put things away. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) He has been waiting for the winter sale. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) He has been looking forward to spring. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) He will clean the woman's boots for spring. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

6. A) The woman often works overtime at weekends. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) The man often lends books to the woman. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) The man appreciates the woman's help. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) The woman is rather forget ful. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

7. A) Take a sightseeing trip. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) Go to work on foot. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Start work earlier than usual. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) Take a walk when the weather is nice. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

8. A) Temporary closing has disturbed the airport’s operation. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) The plane is going to land at another airport. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) All flights have been delayed due to bad weather. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) The airport’s management is in real need of improvement. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

9. A) It specializes in safety from leaks. B) It is headquartered in London. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) It has a chemical processing plant. D) It has a partnership with LCP. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

10. A) He is a safety inspector. B) He is Mr. Grand’s friend. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) He is a chemist. D) He is a salesman. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

11. A) The public relations officer. B) Head of the personnel department. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Mr. Grand’s personal assistant. D) Director of the safety department. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

12. A) Send a comprehensive description of their work. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) Provide details of their products and services. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Leave a message for Mr. Grand. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) Wait for Mr. Grand to call back. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

13. A) She listened to recordings of many European orchestras. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) She read a lot about European musicians and their music. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) She dreamed of working and living in a European country. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) She learned playing the violin from a famous French musician. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

14. A) She was a pupil of a famous European violinist. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) She gave her first performance with her father. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) She became a professional violinist at fifteen. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) She began taking violin lessons as a small child. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

15. A) It was the chance of a lifetime. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) It was a great challenge to her. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) It gave her a chance to explore the city. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) It helped her learn classical French music. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Section B l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marketed A), B),C) and D). Then marked the correspond letter on Answer sheet I with a single line through the centre. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Passage One l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

16. A) There are mysterious stories behind his works. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) His personal history is little known. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) His works have no match worldwide. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) There are many misunderstandings about him. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

17. A) He once worked in a well-known acting company. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) He moved to Stratford-on-Avon in his childhood. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) He failed to go beyond grammar school. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) He was a member of the town council. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

18. A) People of his time had little interest in him. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) His works were adapt ed beyond recognition. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) Writers of his time had no means to protect their works. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Passage Two l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

19. A) Theft. B) Air crash. C) Cheating. D) Road accidents. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

20. A) Learn the local customs. B) Have the right documents. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Book tickets well in advance. D) Make hotel reservations. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

21. A) Contact your agent. B) Use official transport. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Get a lift if possible. D) Have a friend meet you. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Passage Three l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

22. A) Cut down production cost. B) Refine the taste of his goods. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Sell inexpensive products. D) Specialise in gold ornaments. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

23. A) At a meeting of top British businesspeople. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) During a local sales promotion campaign. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) During a live television interview. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) At a national press conference. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

24. A) Discouraged. B) Distressed. C) Puzzled. D) Insulted. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

25. A) He is not laughed at, that laughs at himself first. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) There should be a limit to one’s sense of humour. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) He who never learns from the past is bound to fail. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) The words of some businesspeople are just rubbish. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Section C l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Directions: in this section,you will hear a paasage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is reaf for the third time, you should check what you have written. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Looking at the basic biological systems, the world is not doing very well. Yet economic indicators show the world is 26____. Despite a slow start at the beginning of the eighties, global economic output increased by more than a fifth during the 27____. The economy grew, trade increased, and millions of new jobs were created. How can biological indicators show the 28____ of economic indicators? l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

The answer is that the economic indicators have a basic fault: they show no difference between resource uses that 29____ progress and those uses that will hurt it. The main measure of economic progress is the gross national product (GNP), 30____, this totals the value of all goods and services produced and subtracts loss in value of factories and equipment. Developed a half-century ago, GNP helped 31____ a common way among countries of measuring change in economic output. For some time, this seemed to work 32____ well, but serious weaknesses are now appearing. As indicated earlier, GNP includes loss in value of factories and equipment, but it does not 33____ the loss of natural resources, including nonrenewable resources such as oil or renewable resources such as forests. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

This basic fault can produce a 34____ sense of national economic health. According to GNP, for example, countries that overcut forests actually do better than those that preserve their forests. The trees cut down are counted as income but no subtraction is made for 35____ the forests. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

2020年12月英语四级听力真题及答案 l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Section A : In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

1. A. It was dangerous to live in. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. It was going to be renovated. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. He could no longer pay the rent. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. He had sold it to the royal family. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

2. A. A strike. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. A storm. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. A forest fire. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. A terrorist attack. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

3. A. They lost contact with the emergency department. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. They were trapped in an underground elevator. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. They were injured by suddenly falling rocks. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. They sent calls for help via a portable radio. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

4. A. They tried hard to repair the elevator. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. They released the details of the accident. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. They sent supplies to keep the miners warm. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. They provided the miners with food and water. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

5. A. Raise postage rates. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. Improve its services. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. Redesign delivery routes. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. Close some of its post offices. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

6. A. Shortening business hours. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. Closing offices on holidays. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. Computerizing mall sorting processes. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

7. A. Many post office staff will lose their jobs. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. Many people will begin to complain. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. Taxpayers will be very pleased. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. A lot of controversy will arise. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Section B l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

8. A. He will be kept from promotion. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. He will go through retraining. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. He will be given a warning. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. He will lose part of his pay. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

9. A. He is always on time. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. He is a trustworthy guy. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. He is an experienced press operator. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. He is on good terms with his workmates. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

10. A. She is a trade union representative. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. She is in charge of public relations. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. She is a senior manager of the shop. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. She is better at handling such matters. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

11. A. He is skilled and experienced. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. He is very close to the manager. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. He is always trying to stir up trouble. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. He is always complaining about low wages. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

12. A. Open. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. Friendly. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. Selfish. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. Reserved. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

13. A. They stay quiet. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. They read a book. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. They talk about the weather. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. They chat with fellow passengers. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

14. A. She was always treated as a foreigner. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. She was eager to visit an English castle. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. She was never invited to a colleague's home. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. She was unwilling to make friends with workmates. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

15. A. Houses are much more quiet. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. Houses provide more privacy. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. They want to have more space. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. They want a garden of their own. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Section C l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

16. A. They don't have much choice of jobs. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. They are likely to get much higher pay. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. They don't have to go through job interviews. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. They will automatically be given hiring priority. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

17. A. Ask their professors for help. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. Look at school bulletin boards. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. Visit the school careers service. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. Go through campus newspapers. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

18. A. Helping students find the books and journals they need. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. Helping students arrange appointments with librarians. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. Providing students with information about the library. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

19. A. It tastes better. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. It is easier to grow. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. It may be sold at a higher price. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. It can better survive extreme weathers. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

20. A. It is healthier than green tea. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. It can grow in drier soil. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. It will replace green tea one day. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. It is immune to various diseases. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

21. A. It has been well received by many tea drinkers. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. It does not bring the promised health benefits. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. It has made tea farmers' life easier. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. It does not have a stable market. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

22. A. They need decorations to show their status. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. They prefer unique objects of high quality. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. They decorate their homes themselves. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. They care more about environment. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

23. A. They were proud of their creations. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. They could only try to create at night. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. They made great contributions to society. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. They focused on the quality of their products. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

24. A. Make wise choices. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. Identify fake crafts. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. Design handicrafts themselves. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. Learn the importance of creation. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

25. A. To boost the local economy. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B. To attract foreign investments. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C. To arouse public interest in crafts. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D. To preserve the traditional culture. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

听力答案 l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

1. A.It was dangerous to live in. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

2. B.A storm. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

3. B.They were trapped in an underground elevator. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

4. C.They sent supplies to keep the miners warm. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

5. D.Close some of its post offices. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

6. C.Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

7. A.Many post office staff will lose their jobs. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

8. D.He will lose part of his pay. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

9. B.He is a trustworthy guy. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

10. D.She is better at handling such matters. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

11. C.He is always trying to stir up trouble. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

12. D.Reserved. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

13. A.They stay quiet. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

14. C.She was never invited to a colleague's home. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

15. B.Houses provide more privacy. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

16 D.They will automatically be given hiring priority. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

17 C.Visit the school careers service. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

18 B.Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

19. C.It may be sold at a higher price. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

20. A.It is healthier than green tea. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

21. D.It does not have a stable market. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

22. B.They prefer unique objects of high quality. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

23. B.They could only try to create at night. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

24. A.Make wise choices. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

25. A.To boost the local economy. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

2020年6月英语四级听力真题及答案 l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

听力真题 l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Section A l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

1. A) The return of a bottled message to its owner's daughter. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) A New Hampshire man's joke with friends on his wife. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) A father's message for his daughter. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) The history of a century-old motel. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

2. A) She wanted to show gratitude for his kindness. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) She wanted to honor her father's promise. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) She had been asked by her father to do so. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) She was excited to see her father's handwriting. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

3. A) People were concerned about the number of bees. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) Several cases of Zika disease had been identified. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Two million bees were infected with disease. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) Zika virus had destroyed some bee farms. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

4. A) It apologized to its customers. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) It was forced to kill its bees. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) It lost a huge stock of bees. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) It lost 2.5 million dollars. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

5. A) It stayed in the air for about two hours. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) It took off and landed on a football field. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) It proved to be of high commercial value. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) It made a series of sharp turns in the sky. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

6. A) Engineering problems. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) The air pollution it produced. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Inadequate funding. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) The opposition from the military. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

7. A) It uses the latest aviation technology. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) It flies faster than a commercial jet. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) It is a safer means of transportation. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) It is more environmentally friendly. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Section B l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

8. A) It seems a depressing topic. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) It sounds quite alarming. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) It has little impact on our daily life. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) It is getting more serious these days. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

9. A) The man doesn't understand Spanish. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) The woman doesn't really like dancing. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) They don't want something too noisy. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) They can't make it to the theatre in time. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

10. A) It would be more fun without Mr. Whitehead hosting. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) It has too many acts to hold the audience's attention. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) It is the most amusing show he has ever watched. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) It is a show inappropriate for a night of charity. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

11. A) Watch a comedy. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) Go and see the dance. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Book the tickets online. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) See a film with the man. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

12. A) Most of her schoolmates are younger than she is. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) She simply has no idea what school to transfer to. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) There are too many activities for her to cope with. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) She worries she won't fit in as a transfer student. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

13. A) Seek advice from senior students. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) Pick up some meaningful hobbies. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Participate in after-school activities. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) Look into what the school offers. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

14. A) Give her help whenever she needs it. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) Accept her as a transfer student. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Find her accommodation on campus. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) Introduce her to her roommates. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

15. A) She has interests similar to Mr. Lee's. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) She has become friends with Catherine. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) She has chosen the major Catherine has. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) She has just transferred to the college. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Section C l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

16. A) To investigate how being overweight impacts on health. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) To find out which physical drive is the most powerful. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) To discover what most mice like to eat. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) To determine what feelings mice have. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

17. A) When they are hungry. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) When they are thirsty. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) When they smell food. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) When they want company. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

18. A) They search for food in groups. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) They are overweight when food is plenty. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) They prefer to be with other mice. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) They enjoy the company of other animals. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

19. A) Its construction started before World War I. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) Its construction cost more than $ 40 billion. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) It is efficiently used for transport. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) It is one of the best in the world. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

20. A) To improve transportation in the countryside. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) To move troops quickly from place to place. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) To enable people to travel at a higher speed. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) To speed up the transportation of goods. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

21. A) In the 1970s. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) In the 1960s. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) In the 1950s. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) In the 1940s. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

22. A) Chatting while driving. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) Messaging while driving. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Driving under age. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) Speeding on highways. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

23. A) A gadget to hold a phone on the steering wheel. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) A gadget to charge the phone in a car. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) A device to control the speed of a vehicle. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) A device to ensure people drive with both hands. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

24. A) The car keeps flashing its headlights. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) The car slows down gradually to a halt. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) They are alerted with a light and a sound. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) They get a warning on their smart phone. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

25. A) Installing a camera. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

B) Using a connected app. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

C) Checking their emails. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

D) Keeping a daily record. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

听力答案 l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

1. A) The return of a bottled message to its owner's daughter. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

2. B) She wanted to honor her father's promise. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

3. B) Several cases of Zika disease had been identified. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

4. C) It lost a huge stock of bees. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

5. A) It stayed in the air for about two hours. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

6. C) Inadequate funding. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

7. D) It is more environmentally friendly. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

8. A) It seems a depressing topic. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

9. D) They can't make it to the theatre in time. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

10. C) It is the most amusing show he has ever watched. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

11. B) Go and see the dance. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

12. D) She worries she won't fit in as a transfer student. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

13. C) Participate in after-school activities. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

14. A) Give her help whenever she needs it. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

15. D) She has just transferred to the college. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

16. B) To find out which physical drive is the most powerful. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

17. A) When they are hungry. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

18. C) They prefer to be with other mice. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

19. D) It is one of the best in the world. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

20. B) To move troops quickly from place to place. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

21. A) In the 1970s. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

22. B) Messaging while driving. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

23. D) A device to ensure people drive with both hands. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

24. C) They are alerted with a light and a sound. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

25. B) Using a connected app. l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网


英语四级听力真题解析 l6c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

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